Learn from our elite athletes

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If a person has made it to the highest realms of achievement in their chosen sport, they are clearly doing something right.  They have discovered how to push themselves to great heights while at the same time, protecting themselves from injury.

So what is it they know that most of us don’t?

Well, the answer is unbelievably simple:

Elite athletes knew how to notice and react effectively to their body’s health clues.

Most won’t consciously know they are even doing this of course, as to them it will feel ”normal”.  But this is their edge.  This is why only a handful with natural talent, the desire to dream big, and the willingness to do the work, actually get there.  How do I know this to be true?  It is because I have watched the shift that occurs in others when they discover this.  There is of course more to it, but this is the most important aspect.  Let me see if I can better explain through a simple example:

While travelling in Europe I was fortunate to attend a closed training session for the world’s best athletes.  There on the same field were sprinters, hurdlers, jumpers and throwers from all over the world intently training for their specific event.  As this was a final session before a major event, most of them were without the usual entourage of coaches and support staff.

I watched as a hurdler tried going over a hurdle and obviously unhappy with how it felt, stopped, did a series of stretches to identify where the restriction was coming from, then walked over to pull a ball out from his training bag.  He then placed the ball on the ground and laid his body on it to free up the area.  When he had finished, he got up, tried the stretch again, and happy with the result, went back to going over the hurdles … this time with ease.

I then observed a thrower go through the exact same process.   (The Missing Solution, p. 15)

Now here’s the most incredible part of this real life story:  I realised that day that these elite athletes were using a similar process to the one I had used to heal myself from a whole host of injuries and illnesses!  In other words, the same method that I had painstakingly pieced together was universal in application.  It can open up potential just as readily as it can help heal supposedly “chronic” conditions.  It was all based on appreciating our body’s health clues while knowing how to respond to them:  that is, consciously applying the true healing process.  

Fortunately my circumstances have allowed me to bring this “missing” part of the healing process to light so that anyone interested can learn it.  

The simple solution

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Most people think that the things with the greatest capacity to heal are well known and openly shared.  But I have been stunned to discover that this simply isn’t the case.  Everywhere I go now, I meet with people who think they have tried “everything” to heal their chronic health problem, but when I tell them what worked for me, they realise this is something they haven’t tried.  Yet this is what WORKS!

It is startling how often this happens!

This is particularly noticeable when I run professional development days for organisations within the health care system.  Many of these people have spent years treating others, but they do not know how to SELF-treat.  Yet the art of deliberately applying the self-healing process (armed with right knowledge) is where true healing is at!  Often they suffer their own chronic complaints, yet to me, their problems often seem as if they would be easy to correct.

The biggest impact is when I actually show them how this works.  For example, I eased one masseurs chronic elbow and back pain quickly and easily – showing her how she could do this for herself.  She was naturally thrilled to be free of pain, but also deeply perplexed at how such a SIMPLE solution had worked.

But it’s not just with simple injuries that this occurs.  I have been invited to sit and talk with people in severe suffering.  There is inevitably an air of almost reverence for pain in the room when I walk in, but I don’t focus on their suffering for long as I know that for success, this is not the way.  Instead I introduce them to a whole new way of dealing with their problem, reminding them that true potential lies in what they do right here and right now.  So it’s very important that they learn what the 4 things that heal are as it’s these they need to apply.  So there is no time to talk of suffering as there is too much to do!  Most people LOVE this approach as it opens up within them a whole new avenue of hope.  This is not false hope, but rather it makes sense to focus on healing, not illness.

As this is a blog, I will leave it at that for now.  I urge you however, to take the time to read my new book as this is information that is not available anywhere else.  If you are overseas, there is a downloadable ebook on the homepage so you don’t even have to wait for postage.  Before I go, however, I’ll leave you with this thought provoking question…

Do you know which of your body’s responses occurs with EVERY health problem?  [Worth thinking about as this has the greatest capacity to heal.]

April 2012 and I’m finally online!

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After a decade’s work, it feels wonderful to finally be able to share with you my simple method for resolving pain.

What a journey it’s been to reach this point!  It began when I happened on the idea that something very important was being missed from our health care system.  However, at the time, I had no idea how powerful this ‘something’ was!

I’ll be sharing tips through these weekly blogs on how to apply this skill in everyday life.  But for now, let me simply extend a big, warm welcome to you.  Here’s to new beginnings!


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